Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Double Digits!

Holy Moley! I made it to Double Digits! Today is Day Ten, and I'm still here!

Man, I'd forgotten how strong the cravings could be. But I'm determined that I'm going to win this time. And stay Smoder for good!

Tomorrow, when we give thanks at our house, I'm going to say a whole lot of THANKYOUs!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day Seven and Still Going Strong

Whew! What an end to the week! But I'm still here, and I'm still NOT smoking.

But it sure hasn't been easy! My guitarist - and one of my very bestest friends - has been having sever back problems. And, on Wednesday evening, he found out he had to have urgent back/neck surgery. Obviously, that freaked all of us out, especially since it would have such an impact on his ability to play guitar.

Well, I'm very pleased to say that Gary came through the surgery with flying colors! In fact, if all goes well, he'll be home today. So... PRAYERS PLEASE!!!

Those who have quit, or are trying to quit, know that triggers are dangerous. And life-changing events, such as Gary's surgery can be a serious problem. It is during those times that it's crucial to keep your quit aids handy (and USE them!) and to constantly remind yourself that smoking won't help.

Thankfully, I have a strong support group... people close to me who want to see me succeed. I am VERY grateful to all of them.

Anyhoo... today we're going to the Thanksgiving dinner at the place where we worship. And I'm going to say some extra "thank you"s for my support group.

First Week (Almost) Done!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day Three is Always Hard

The title pretty much says it all for today. In my past experience, I've found that the "threes" are the tough spots - Day 3, Week 3 and Month 3. But I'm determined to see this through and I'm NOT giving up!

All I can do right now is to keep as busy as possible, munch a truckload of carrots, and hope that I don't kill anyone! LOL... And just keep reminding myself that people are not intentionally trying to get me to bust my quit... they're just having the same life troubles they always did. It's me that's changed, and only because I'm suffering from Nicotine Withdrawal.

OK. Back to work for me. And another bag of carrots. Bugs Bunny's a lightweight. I'm just sayin'...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day Two Begins

The good news is: Nobody died yesterday. Even better, no cigarettes were smoked!

That deserves a big Woo-Hoo!


Actually, the day wasn't bad at all, except for the fact that a couple of people were just ASKING to be shot! For instance, there's one person at work who, for some weird reason, decided to act like a first-grader -- using my first name as in insult. LOL... what a freaking bone-head!!! I'm fifty-two years old, which I hope would be old enough to not be bothered by such a childish act. I also happen to like my first name a lot! So, when I saw it, I just laughed and considered the source... and told the person in question I hadn't been so hurt since gradeschool, which was the last time someone tried to insult me with my own name. And I blind-copied my boss, and hers.

Have a nice day! LOL.....

Other than that, the day was pretty good. Yeah, I had some craves, but I got through them. I drank hot tea instead of coffee, so I wouldn't have that trigger. Also drank a LOT of water, and cranberry juice. Nibbled on salad veggies when needed. And read my Emergency Response Card (Quit or Die: Choose One) a few times as well. I spent some time reading through my own web site for reminders and such.

Today, I have a bunch of things to do relating to my recent move. Between that and normal work, and a meeting this evening with the local Lion's Club (requesting permission to use their house first Sunday of each month for a free dinner for those in need), I'll be able to keep pretty busy. And staying busy is an excellent way to take my mind off smoking.

So... Day Two, here I come!

Monday, November 17, 2008

And the Quit Begins

Well, that's that. Last night I threw out the last of my cigarettes before going to bed. This morning, I've been up for just over an hour. And I'm a non-smoker.

OK. Non-smoker. Practice typing and writing that. And saying it.

No, thanks. I don't smoke.

So far, I'm still in Doctor Jekyll mode, feeling pretty human and sort of normal. But I'm sure that, later, the evil Mr. Hyde will come bursting out of my skin, screaming for some nicotine.

That's why I have Bob. See, Bob is my business partner. He's also really big. And, while he's normally very nice and easy-going, he's also very large and has a very large club. He has promised to help my with my Quit by using said club to remove any cravings that might be hiding somewhere int he deeper crevices of my mind or body. Around here, we call this motivation. In Gitmo, it's called by other names.

Glenda is NOT enjoying this. She said she'd quit with me. I'm afraid she's having second thoughts now. I told her I told her I'd be happy to call Bob for her. She said, "no, it's not Bob's fault. I don't want to take it out on him. Besides, I like Bob."

Gotta love it.

So. OK. Day one.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

T-2 and Counting

Well, in less than two days, I will again be a non-smoker. This week I've continued to gather my Quit Aids and Quit Foods. Even more important, I've been gathering a serious storehouse of Quit Attitude.

I've been telling everyone that I'm quitting on Monday, and have encouraged them all to hold me to my commitment. I've even given my business partner Bob permission to beat on me if he catches me smoking. You'd have to see (and know) Bob to understand what a threat I've issued to myself. See, Bob is a LOT bigger than me. And he's really serious about honoring his commitments. He's also an avid Smoke Hater, although he's never given me grief about the habit.

And, as you might already see, Bob has promised to do his part to support my quit. He's promised to beat the tar out of me if he catches me smoking. "I love you, bro, but I'll stomp you if you don't keep your word... because I'm keeping mine!"

It's good to have friends.

I'll see you on Monday, and file a full report.

Almost smober,


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Counting Down

One day closer to Q-Day. I'm on track to smoke less than a pack today. Part of my program is to smoke less each day as I approach next Monday. In the past, I've found this to be helpful, as it minimizes my withdrawal cravings. I'm also going to be using some Quit aids, such as the patch, and possibly some herbal supplements. Then, of course, there's the fresh veggies for snacking, sugar-free gum, and a ton of other things to prepare.

One of the most important preparations (for me, anyway) was to begin informing everyone I know. There are two reasons for this:

First, I want to warn others that I might be a little "off" for a while, and

Second, I want them all to keep asking me how my quit is going.

See, if they know I've quit, maybe they won't bonk me over the head quite as readily if I get a little testy. And if I know that everyone else knows I've quit, it will help me maintain my resolve in moments of weakness.

So... one day closer.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Post - T-6

Greetings! And welcome to my new Quit Diary. This blog replaces the diary section of my web site - Diary of a Quitter.

The purposes of this blog are:
  1. To give me something to do to avoid smoking.
  2. To offer others inspiration and motivation to help with their own quit.
I set this blog up yesterday, and will post as often as I am able... hopefully at least once per day. And, as is my norm, I am working on an essay to mark the beginning of this, my FINAL quit.

I welcome feedback, so please feel free to email me, or to leave a comment.

If you are a fellow quitter, I wish you well, and the very best of "luck". If you haven't quit yet, I hope you will find the courage to do so -- and soon!